Frequently asked questions

How do I open an account with you?

All new account openings are strictly by appointment only. To book an appointment you must reserve a safe deposit box online via this website, a member of staff will contact you to confirm your requirements upon receipt of the reservation.

On the day of your appointment, you will asked to present in original your valid photographic ID and proof of your address. If you are not an EU citizen, we also need proof that your presence in the UK complies with Home Office guidelines. Further information about ID & Proof of Address.

A contract will be signed with Metropolitan Safe Deposits using the information provided from your photographic ID and proof of address. We will also ask you to provide a contact telephone number for each person registered to the contract and a personal email address for each person registered to the contract (not a business email address). Please note we will not open an account if you are unable to provide a contact telephone number and email address.

Metropolitan Safe Deposits reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to refuse to enter into a Contract with a prospective client for any reason, whether or not they have completed an Application Form. Metropolitan Safe Deposits is not obliged to inform a prospective client of the reason for refusal to enter into a Contract.


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